Challenges and Supports of Volunteers During Crisis Situation: Lessons Drawn from Lockdown During Covid-19 in Bangladesh
Md. Mahathy Hasan Jewel *
Department of Marketing, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md. Al Amin
Department of Marketing, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Tamanna Akter
Department of Business Administration, Hamdard University Bangladesh, Bangladesh.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aims: Numerous governments have created non-therapeutic prevention measures and enlisted volunteers to aid coronavirus victims due to its rapid global spread. Bangladesh, a low-middle-income country with one of the greatest population densities, presents major hurdles for volunteers. This study examines volunteer challenges and support during emergency situations like the COVID-19 epidemic and its causes.
Methodology: The study employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies to accomplish the research purpose. The qualitative research design comprises conducting five key informant interviews (KII) and one focus group discussion (FGD). Conversely, the quantitative design involves collecting 60 responses through a structured questionnaire. Furthermore, the qualitative research also found that volunteer training, attractiveness and maintenance, government and political variables, and self-esteem are the main factors affecting crisis volunteering challenges and support. More research with a bigger sample size and international comparisons can reveal volunteering job challenges and supports.
Result: The volunteers' perceptions during COVID-19 were examined for quantitative data to determine the outcome. Four of the five hypotheses were found to be true. These factors; volunteer training; volunteer recruiters and retainers, political and governmental difficulties, and volunteer self-esteem have a significant impact on volunteering. This study identified insufficient funding, inadequate coordination between volunteers and administrators, and a lack of training facilities as the main challenges encountered in volunteer work during crisis situations.
Conclusion: This study advocates engaging all demographics as volunteers. Additionally, volunteers need training to perform better. Volunteerism would improve with better administration and encouragement. Promoting volunteers' value in society boosts their self-esteem.
Keywords: Challenges, volunteer support, volunteering, crisis situation, Covid-19