Impact of British Policy on the Social Mobility and Employment Opportunities of Eurasian Women in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century India

Santosh Kumar Behera

Department of History, School of Social Science, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda-151401, India.

Sanjeev Kumar *

Department of History, School of Social Science, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda-151401, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This article aims to investigate the multifaceted impact of British colonialism on Eurasian women's employment opportunities in 19th and early 20th-century India. It examined how societal expectations initially confined Eurasian women to marriage, particularly to European officers. However, colonial infrastructure development and changing social norms led to a diversification of employment options. The 1901 Madras census data revealed a significant number of Eurasian women working in various fields, including orphanages, education (teachers), healthcare (nurses, midwives), and skilled trades (seamstresses, milliners). Building on this foundation, the study aims to expand the understanding of working Eurasian women across all of India. Notably, even married women often continued working, contributing to household income. The discussion acknowledged the limitations of historical data, particularly the potential undercounting of Eurasian women in prostitution statistics. Overall, the analysis highlighted the complex interplay between colonialism, social hierarchies, and economic realities that shaped the evolving employment landscape for Eurasian women in British India.

Keywords: Anglo-Indian women, Eurasian, marriage, employment, prostitution, nursing, orphanage, medicine, British colonialism

How to Cite

Behera, Santosh Kumar, and Sanjeev Kumar. 2024. “Impact of British Policy on the Social Mobility and Employment Opportunities of Eurasian Women in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century India”. Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences 22 (9):56-72.


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