Assistant Professor, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal). PhD in Special Education. Member of Centre of Research in Special Education and UIDEF of Instituto da Educação. Main areas of interest: Special Education, Services and Support Organizations, Rights and Self-determination for persons with Intellectual Disability (ID), Attitudes towards Persons with ID, Physical Activity Engagement, Transition into adult life & Employability, Ageing and ID, Psychomotor Therapy, Alignment of Portuguese policies towards the Quality of Life of persons with ID, redefining institutional roles as bridges to community and well aware of the necessary leadership.Responsible for the translation, adaptation and validation of some measurement instruments (e.g.: Adaptive Behavior Scale, Suports Intensity Scale, Personal Outcomes Scale, San Martín Scale, Self-determination) in Portugal. Intervention modalities have also been studied: best practices within full participation and focus on personal outcomes and evidence-based practices for the delivery of (individualized) services and supports (person-centered planning), participative management with consumer active involvement, and use of quality assessments and improvement methodologies; and programs effectiveness evaluation. Author and co-author of articles, book and book chapters, and speaker at national and international conferences. Reviewer of some scientific international journals.Member of the AAIDD International Special Interest Group.